Dartball League

Mondays (October thru April) at 7:00 p.m. in Juengel Hall.

Our Dartball League is all about Christian fellowship with other Lutheran churches in the area.

Bethel’s team plays every Monday night in October through April, except for Holidays and a 2 week Christmas break at the end of December.

For those who have never heard of it, Dartball is basically just a baseball game played by throwing darts. We play 3 games each night and snacks are provided by the host church; total play time is approximately 2 hours per night. There are only two qualifications to play:
1) You must be at least 13 years old
2) Show up and have fun!
Our Dartball team is always on the look-out for new people to join us, so anyone interested in joining the team is encouraged to come to any of our games and check us out!

For further information, please touch base with Bethel’s team captain, Ann Magill.

TEAMS / CHURCHES IN LEAGUE                                           CAPTAINS

 1.    Bethany1       4644 Clark Ave, Long  Beach                             Craig

 2.   Bethany2      4644 Clark Ave, Long  Beach                              Phillip

 3.   Bethel            6441 Lincoln Ave., Buena  Park                            Ann

 4.   Christians      645 Woodruff Ave., Lakewood                         Kent

 5.   St. Timothy    4645 Woodruff Ave., Lakewood                        Rodger

 6.   Trinity             11507 Studebaker Rd., Norwalk                           Dan

 President:  Kent Jones           Treasurer:  Philip Lopez             Secretary:  Ann Magill